Macdonald's Prescriptions and Medical Supplies


Compression &
Lymphedema Therapy

Compression Therapy

At Macdonald’s Prescriptions & Medical Supplies, we specialize in compression therapy and compression garments. We have a team of certified fitters with over 20 years experience in fitting compression garments.

We fit for swelling/varicose veins, lymphedema – primary and secondary (with Lymphapress), venous leg ulcers (wrapping to fitting), congenital disorders, vascular disorders and trauma. We offer a selection of off-the-shelf garments and custom-made garments. We guarantee the fit of the garment and stand behind all of our products 100%.

We carry a full line of Sigvaris, Juzo, Medi (J. Vaillancourt), Bauerfeind, Circ-Aid and BSN-Medical compression garments for the lower and upper extremities. We have 3 private fitting rooms to help you with your compression garments.

Anti-embolic (TEDS) stockings are not compression stockings – call us to find out the difference!

What is Compression Therapy? 
  • Compression Therapy is the application of a counterpressure to the limb to reduce venous hypertension.
  • Compression must be graduated to counteract the force of gravity (strongest at the ankle and decreasing in strength in a proximal direction). 
What are the Aims of Compression Therapy? 
  • To prevent a decrease in blood flow velocity (ie. To improve venous blood flow by returning the blood back to the heart more effectively and efficiently).
  • To restore blood flow velocity to normal, by squeezing valves in veins closer together.
  • To prevent raised intravascular and tissue pressures by improving venous blood return. 
What are the Steps in obtaining Compression Garments? 
  • Talk to your doctor if you have tired, achy legs regardless of swelling.
  • Have your doctor write a prescription.
  • Come in and talk to us about your compression needs. We will help guide you in the process of obtaining a prescription if you do not have one.
  • The best time to be measured for your garments is first thing in the morning.
  • Home consultations are also available. 

What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is the result of disruption in the lymphatic system, resulting in obstructed lymphatic flow, enlarged and disfigured limbs, pain, and susceptibility to infection. Lymphedema often limits the lifestyle of the patient. Unfortunately there is no cure for lymphedema. However Macdonald’s Prescriptions can offer a treatment that improves the quality of life for primary or secondary lymphedema patients.

The Lympha Press®

The Lympha Press® multicompartmental pressure system offers a distinct advantage over unicompartmental pressure systems, often used in the treatment of lymphedema. Using physiological principles, pressure is established from the distal area of the Lympha Press® Sleeve and progresses until the entire sleeve is sequentially inflated. When the entire sleeve is filled with air, all the cells automatically empty themselves, and the cycle begins again.

The Lympha Press® was first introduced to the province of British Columbia in 1987 at the B.C. Cancer Control Agency. To date, many hospitals and clinics in B.C. have them. Since 1997, Macdonald’s Prescriptions has been the main distributor of the the Lympha Press®. In 2005, a third model was introduced, the Lympha Press Plus, which is fully programmable and is used in-store for our patient pump therapy sessions.

Lymphedema is something you are born with (primary) or due to some trauma, like surgery, radiation, injury etc. (secondary). There is help for both kinds. One part of the treatment is the pump and is only used after you have been assessed by a physician. The other parts of treatment include instruction in skin care, exercises specifically for lymphedema, lymphatic massage, and often wearing of a special elastic compression sleeve or stocking.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding lymphedema and compression therapy, we'd be pleased to meet address them. Please call Fairmont Pharmacy at (604) 872-2662 or visit our location on West Broadway today.

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