Macdonald's Prescriptions and Medical Supplies


Women’s Health

Our Home Health Care department at the Fairmont Medical Building location carries a full line of American Breast Care mastectomy supplies and compression stockings.

We also have a full line of compression stockings from different manufacturers such as Bauerfiend, Jobst, SIgvaris, Medi, and Juzo. We have 4 certified fitters to make sure you are fitted into the right sized compression stocking in the privacy of our 2 fitting rooms.

Click here for more information about our compression stockings. If you know your size and have been wearing compression stockings above 20mm compression visit our on-line store to order your stockings and supplies.

Our pharmacy carries a full line and sizes of diaphragm contraceptives and Contragel, Intra-Uterine Devices (IUD’s), Vaginal inserts and pessaries.

We also compound topical creams for Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). This requires a prescription from you doctor. Macdonald’s Prescriptions Ltd is only one of two pharmacies in Canada that are licensed to dispense BHRT using the Wiley Protocol. Click here for more information about The WIley Protocol. Call the pharmacy at the Fairmont Building location and speak to one of our pharmacists about BHRT. We would be more than happy to answer your questions.

Our Women's Health products and services include:

  • Mastectomy supplies
  • Compression stockings
  • Diaphragm contraceptives and Contragel
  • IUDs
  • Vaginal inserts and Pessarys
  • Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
  • Wiley Protocol

For women's health service, please call Fairmont Pharmacy at (604) 872-2662 or visit our location on West Broadway today.

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