Macdonald's Prescriptions and Medical Supplies


Renal Specialized Services

We provide an enhanced level of service to BC kidney patients throughout British Columbia.

Renal Services Include: 
  • Being a distribution partner with the BCPRA in the dispensing and delivering of the two most costly therapies: (1) Erythropoietic Hormone Replacement Therapy (EHRT Erythropoietin and Darbepoietin); and (2) I.V Iron to all BCPRA patients and dialysis units across the province.
  • Dispensing medications listed on the BCPRA formulary to patients who live within the Lower Mainland.
  • Supplying immunosuppressant medications for patients with glomerulonephritis who are registered with the BC Renal Agency. The first of its kind, this formulary sets out to improve and ensure equitable evidence-based use of life or organ saving medications for patients with glomerulonephritis. 

For more information on our specialized renal service, please call Renal Pharmacy at (604) 874-9668 or visit our location on West 6th Avenue today.

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