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Reimbursement of Ostomy/WouNd and Continence Supplies

How does Fair PharmaCare work? 

Families registered for Fair PharmaCare will pay full prescription costs* until they meet their deductible during a calendar year (January to December). Once a family meets the deductible, PharmaCare will pay 70% of the eligible cost of a drug for Regular Assistance families, and 75% for Enhanced Assistance families (those with a member born before 1940), until they reach their family maximum.

The family maximum is the annual amount that a family will pay toward eligible drug costs. After the family maximum is reached, PharmaCare will pay 100% of eligible drug costs (including most, not all, ostomy products) for the rest of the calendar year.

Deductibles and family maximums are based on the family’s net income.

*Families with incomes over $30,000 and current and ongoing drug costs may be able to use the Monthly Deductible Payment Option to receive immediate assistance.

 Excerpt from:

Financial Assistance for Ostomy Supplies

1) Fair Pharmacare

Fair PharmaCare helps B.C. families pay for eligible prescription drugs, dispensing fees and some medical supplies such as ostomy supplies. Fair PharmaCare is income-based; the less a family earns, the more help they get. It is deductible based which runs the calendar year, from January to December.

In order to qualify one needs to be:

  • Registered for Fair PharmaCare
  • Families must have Medical Services Plan (MSP)
  • Must have filed taxes.

The deductible resets in January each year.

For more information on Fair Pharmacare:

For more information on the Fair Pharmacare deductible 

2) Private Insurance 

Reimbursement for Ostomy supplies can be sent to private insurance companies such as Blue Cross, Sunlife, etc.

Individuals MUST self-submit invoices.

3) Other Assistance

Organizations such as Veterans, RCMP, WorkSafe BC and ICBC may offer assistance to pay for Ostomy Supplies.  Please contact these organizations for more information.


1) Fair Pharmacare

Fair PharmaCare does not cover wound and continence supplies.

2) Private Insurance 

Reimbursement for Wound and Continence supplies can be sent to private insurance companies such as Blue Cross, Sunlife, etc.

Individuals MUST self-submit invoices.

3) Other Assistance

Organizations such as Vetrans, RCMP, WorkSafe BC and ICBC may offer assistance to pay for Would and Continence Supplies.  Please contact these organizations for more information.

Disability Tax Credit

For more information on the Disability Tax Credit, please visit:

Registered Disability Savings Plan

For more information on the Registered Disability Savings Plan, please visit:


Ostomy supplies available at: